C program for frame sorting technique used in buffer

A frame is a digital data transmission unit in computer networking and telecommunication. A frame typically includes frame synchronization features consisting of a sequence of bits or symbols that indicate to the receiver the beginning and end of the payload data within the stream of symbols or bits it receives. If a receiver is connected to the system in the middle of a frame transmission, it ignores the data until it detects a new frame synchronization sequence.




struct frame{

int fslno;

char finfo[20];


struct frame arr[10];

int n;

void sort()


 int i,j,ex;

 struct frame temp;












 if(ex==0) break;


void main()


 int i;


 printf("\n Enter the number of frames \n");



 { arr[i].fslno=random(50);

 printf("\n Enter the frame contents for sequence number





 printf("\n The frames in sequence \n");


 printf("\n %d\t%s \n",arr[i].fslno,arr[i].finfo);




Enter the number of frames:3

Enter the frame contents for sequence number 23


Enter the frame contents for sequence number 45


Enter the frame contents for sequence number 9



The frames in sequence 

9 Vikas

23 Wrote

45 Program

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