Linear search is a very simple search algorithm. In this type of search, a sequential search is made over all items one by one. Every item is checked and if a match is found then that particular item is returned, otherwise the search continues till the end of the data collection.
#define MAX_SIZE 5
void linear_search(int[], int);
int main() {
int arr_search[MAX_SIZE], i, element;
printf("\nEnter %d Elements for Searching : \n", MAX_SIZE);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)
scanf("%d", &arr_search[i]);
printf("Enter Element to Search : ");
scanf("%d", &element);
//Linear Search Function
linear_search(arr_search, element);
void linear_search(int fn_arr[], int element) {
int i;
/* for : Check elements one by one - Linear */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++) {
/* If for Check element found or not */
if (fn_arr[i] == element) {
printf("Linear Search : %d is Found at array : %d.\n", element, i + 1);
if (i == MAX_SIZE)
printf("\nSearch Element : %d : Not Found \n", element);